Continued Professional Development
Learnerships/Full Qualifications/Distant Learning/Skills Development/Training
We are professional in our approach and pride ourselves in what we do, making simple change in people’s lives through training and coaching for a better tomorrow,eradicating poverty and improving humanity through basic education.
United we stand as a nation through education, but divided we fall as individuals (who)
A service to the nation for a better tomorrow, eradicating poverty through basic education (why)
Honesty, Open-mindedness, Willingness (how)
We are committed to supply quality training.
Build customized training packs for the clients at minimal fee which then becomes the property
of the client for perusal.Uphold our values, mission statement, vision and objectives.
To own our mistakes and rectify them ASAP.
Deliver a professional and efficient service to all our clients.
On-site training so as not to disrupt productions, increase productivity and save clients valuable
time.Build customized training packs for the clients at minimal fee which then becomes the property
of the client for perusal.We offer to train over weekends as well.
To always conduct business in a courteous, honest and respectful manner.
A training Matrix can be developed for each Client and updated as the training is completed.
This will also be given to the clients for retraining upon request.Competency certificates for all trades can also be issued via simtech training centre as an
approved/accredited trade test centre.Uphold our values, mission statement, vision and objectives.